Tuesday, October 25, 2011

More work

Well school has been a pain the ass. Lots of work. Boring and all that good stuff. I tried drawing my main character today but he looked strange to me. I have been bothered by the way he looks when he stands normally. So I sort of tweaked his body a little bit. I'm still going to work on that. What that means is I have to redraw the comic. I was going to do that either way but anyway I'm going to redraw them. Probably work on the script as well. I've also been improving my style more. Or feels like it is. I took in what all of those awesome artists said to me at comic con and really sat down and worked on my style. Next post I will tell you about the story a little more and who the characters are. As for right now I shall go. Adios
Little sample of more work. 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Comic con!

So I went on friday to show my portfolio around and my god it was such an amazing experience! Holy crap it was a nerds dream come true! I've never had more fun at a place. Although my biggest issue with it was that my legs are freaking broken after that. There was so much walking it wasn't even funny... Anyways I think the talking to artists went well and I gave them my card so hopefully they'll contact me *crosses fingers* Next year I'm SOOO going again. It was beyond fun! I bought myself the first 4 issues of the x-men comics which is totally rad! Unfortunately i bought another first issue with a different cover and printed on better paper... but.. I dunno... I would've rather gotten the 5th issue instead. I dunno what I was thinking. I also bought The 6th gun book one. I'm almost finished with it and let me tell you folks... It is AMAZING! I met the artist and he was an amazing guy! He even signed it which was totally amazing! I got to play the demo of [Prototype 2] aaaand.... It was a little underwhelming to be perfectly honest. I didn't get that sense of excitement I got from the first game. I get that it was a demo but I dunno... Not as strong as the first. Will probably pass up on it. Saw so many great things there and those who are skeptical about going well let me tell you, You MUST go! You'll have a great time. Go for one day and see how you enjoy it. Then next year if you liked it enough maybe go for 2 days or something. I know I'm going next year. I think that's about all I have to say. Have been trying to improve my style more because of how the artists critiqued my art. I loved each of their critiques. They were incredibly helpful and I took what they said into consideration. So anyways I'll keep you posted on my artwork. Later people!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Work in progress

So here's a work in progress of a drawing I'm making to bring with me to Comic-Con. Hell yes I'm going to Comic-Con! This is my first convention ever and I am beyond stoked! Gonna be showing my work around and what not. I'm going friday which is really rad! Not to sure what drawings I'm going to be bringing but I'll figure that out as the week leads on. You'll be able to spot me quick. I'll be the one in normal clothes ;D. College has been getting in the way of my regular work which totally sucks. But hey I work around that. Getting back into Minecraft a little. That game is awesome. Thinking about a video series with it but I don't think it'll actually come into play. My comics on hold as of now because of this con. If I'm able to score a job the comic will not come out for a while but I would never just ditch this concept. I love these characters way to much. I think that about does it for this entry into my blogs. See you all later!

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Been working on the comic and I have now penciled 32 pages. This is one of 4 books. this one I'm estimating will be around 130 or so.... *sigh* Lots of work to do i guess! Here's what the first panel shall look like! Very exciting eh? Don't you worry. You'll find out more information on who he is and what the story is about. As of right now I'm saying nothing! Alright see ya!